Ravens Chasing the Moon (2024) Cowlitz tribal artist Sarah Folden worked with Chehalis tribal artist Jenée Redecker to paint aniconic image of ravens flying above a mountain, under a full moon in the contemporary Coast Salish tradition. Sarah and Jenee also brought on a team youth apprentices, each of whom had some Native ancestry, including Adam Penn, Angelina Smart-Weber, Ayla Williams-Weber, Corbin Jones and Lola Lains e Silva.
This mural is located on a highly visible exterior wall of Altitude 15 (corner of State and Franklin SE in Olympia, Washington). Folden’s work can be found all along what is historically known as the Cowlitz Trail, a trading route that ran from the mouth of the Columbia River all the way up to Canada. The overland portage started in Toledo’s Port on the Cowlitz River up to the area now known as the Tumwater Falls Park, where the Deschutes River flows into the Salish Sea. She hopes to create more art along the Cowlitz Trail to illuminate this powerful history.