The Arc of Aging (2024) This recreation of the “Arc of Aging” mural replaced the original version that was covered up by a construction project. The design affirms the presence of our community elders by acknowledging the stages of aging as all part of the same arc. Originally commissioned by Senior Services for one of their facilities, the current version is on display in part of the Olympia Senior Center that is used every day by our elders. Both the original and the current mural were painted by a multi-racial team of artists led by Chelsea Baker and included local artist and architect Regine Varughis and mural matchmaker Anna Schlecht. Together, these painters worked with inter-generational teams of painters ranging from eight years to seventy-seven years in age. Located on an interior wall of the Olympia Senior Center (224 Columbia Avenue NW, Olympia, Washington) this mural represents a visual journey through ages and stages of life, affirming the significance of the older members of our community.